Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Ideal Birdwatcher(pt.1)

Here is some things you need if you want to do some heavy-duty birdwatching.Note that things with this(*) in front of tips mean that they are optional:

1. Binoculars(A must for any birdwatcher!)

2. *Camera(to take a pictures of a bird)

3.*Birdwatching Telescope(use it to watch birds at a range farther than your binoculars.)

4.Advanced Bird books(like the National Geographic Field Guide To Birds of North America).


Dakota Cheyenne said...

This is Little A talking, he says hi, I got a new bird today, I want to be a bird watcher. could you please buy me a binoclular too, so I can bird watch things, and send it to Michigan or you can just wait, and when you come give it to me.
little A

Dakota Cheyenne said...

I like the blog, really pretty bird on the header. BTW, how do you do the thing where someone has to put on the letters before writing. I like the idea!!!

Mathtutor said...

Thank you for liking my bird picture! Tell little A I love him and that I want to see him soon!

Mathtutor said...

Excuse me,but what do you mean about the writing? Please explain.